Thursday, February 23, 2023

Torn Tendon


Denisa is making quick progress after undergoing a series of Human Tissue based injections for a torn tendon in her ankle. These injections act to stimulate the body's own biologically active cells and growth factors to heal both acute and chronic injuries without the need for surgical intervention!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

5-Star Review

 "I had been an Acute care and ER physician for 30 years and intereracted with hundreds of specialists. I have found Dr Lampe not only to have an excellent technical prowess and knowledge base but to be a caring individual. His office staff goes above and beyond. I wish he was available years ago when I had multiple patents that needed a Podiatrist!" - Harold W.

#5StarReview #FACDallas #FootAndAnkleCenter #Podiatrist

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Fracture Recovery

Michael sustained a commonly seen fracture of the 5th metatarsal 7 weeks ago. Today he is back in shoes with no pain after undergoing a 15-minute procedure to repair the fracture site percutaneously. Quick procedure, quick recovery for a sometimes persistent and problematic fracture if not addressed promptly! 


Custom Orthotics

 Custom orthotics are designed specifically for your foot to relieve pain, improve posture & balance and allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. Kash (former Texas Tech wide receiver) is seen being scanned for his custom pair of orthotics. Our practice is proud to partner with Arize, a new digital orthotic solution that utilizes HPs 3D printing technology. Call us today for more information and scheduling!

3D-Printed Custom Orthotic Solution

  At The Foot & Ankle Center of Dallas, we utilize a high-precision 3D-printed custom orthotic solution that delivers consistent, repeat...